Contact Us

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Nationwide Coverage!


Call Free: 0800 038 7108


Text or what's app photos:


Mobile: 07900 082 338

If you are having issues with Japanese

Knotweed contact the Japanese

Knotweed Specialists today!!

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Nationwide Coverage!


Call Free: 0800 038 7108


Text or what's app photos:


Mobile: 07900 082 338

If you are having issues with Japanese

Knotweed contact the Japanese

Knotweed Specialists today!!

Contact Us




0800 038 7108



07900 082 338


Head Office:

63 Belsdyke Road, Airdrie, ML6 9DU       

Don't let Japanese knotweed rule your land

To request a quote or survey to discuss any Japanese knotweed problems you are encountering do not hesitate to contact us today.


If you have any questions about our service or would like an experts opinion please fill in the enquiry form below.

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